Career & Technical Education » Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical Sciences

Come and explore our biomedical sciences program!

Health & Human Services

Health & Human Services courses help students identify what is important to their future and develop life skills that they will use continually in the years to come including the following: Nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, human physiology, medicine, family and community interaction, career education, and leadership skills. These classes fulfill a Career & Technical Education graduation requirement or lab science credits.
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite: None 
Credit: .5
Course Length: 1 semester
Students will learn about personal health and wellness, nutrition, effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and human relationships. Students will also explore careers in the health industry.
Grades: 9th
Prerequisite: None 
Credit: 1
Course Length: 2 semesters
Science credit equivalency
9th grade students will have a blended biology course introducing concepts through project-based learning in agriculture and biomedical studies.
Human Body Systems
Grades: 10-12 
Prerequisite: Biology-Medical
Credit: 1
Course Length: 2 semesters
Science credit equivalency
This course allows students to examine the interactions of body systems as they explore identity, communication, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis. Students design experiments, investigate the structures and functions of the human body, and use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal mannequin, work through interesting real world cases and often play the role of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries.